It's All Over
“The party’s over”, croons Sinatra faintly
Through the fragile walls from next door’s flat;
Mocking me, it seems,
As if he knew you’d gone.
But how could he know that?
Perhaps he’s heard my bitter tears.
The fragile walls work both ways, after all.
Maybe he heard you walk away.
Or is it just coincidence
That makes him sing it now?
Maybe he doesn’t know you’ve gone at all.
And yet, he’s mimicking your very words.
“It’s time”’ you said with tenderness,
“That we call it a day”.
But don’t you understand, you and Sinatra,
That I can’t bear to live without you near?
“All dreams must end”, Sinatra’s singing now;
And I can only hope and pray he’s right
And that, in time, the nightmare dreams will cease,
That torture me each night.
16th July 2022
One in Five 2 poetry contest
Sponsor - Joseph May
Phrase No. 3