It's Important To Know Jesus
It’s Important to KNOW Jesus!
Knowing Christ is the most important thing.
I want to receive the eternal love he brings!
Knowing him and the power of his resurrection…
Helps to turn my life into a godly direction.
Knowing him and the suffering he went through…
Brings a new meaning and purpose in what I do.
Thinking about what on the cross he endured…
Speaks to my heart that he loves me for sure!
Just to have the opportunity to know him…
Causes me to be humbled and kneel before him.
Just to know that have the time to be with him…
Encourages me to want to daily know him!
Knowing and loving Christ
is an opportunity that waits.
It’s only through him that we
can enter haven’s gates!
I invite you to take time to know Christ as well!
He wants for you to know him! I can tell!
Will you join me in accepting his heavenly invitation?
Let’s enjoy the blessings
of his mercy and salvation!
By Jim Pemberton 04/12/17