It's My Life
A destiny uncertain
A future unplanned
but one things for sure
I will have a helping hand
It wont be like the past
Where you always ran my life
Now you will finally realize
That your not always right
It will be your turn to sit and listen
Hear all I have to say
But like it or not
I'm done doing things your way
I'm finally standing up
Opening new doors
And telling you once and for all
This is my life not yours
I have finally done it
I have set myself free
Never again will I let you
Have control over me
I shall live how I want
Have a mind of my own
Love whomever I choose
Not caring what you condone
Face it, I've found it
The true love you never had
And I know that it kills you
Knowing this wasn't in your plans
Well like it, or leave it
It doesn't matter to me
Cause this ones my decision
To love him for eternity
Damn that felt good
I finally feel free
Like a weights been lifted
Guess it was your thumb on top of me