It's Never Too Late
I thought to myself. What an
Odd feeling? Looking out at the
Crowd and thinking... they're
Here to see me. I could certainly
Pack a house. As a prairie boy
From Saskatoon... it doesn't get
Any better. I've been in front of
Crowds many times but this time
It seemed different. Some of
People were friends and some
Were strangers. We were serving
A lunch so this brings out people
Who were sitting on the fence
Concerning the topic for discussion.
The subject matter wasn't very
Exciting so it was hard to know
If I was making an impact. Once
The presentation was complete...
We opened the floor to any
Comments people might have.
The usual people stood up and
Made a statement or two. No
One seemed to have an issue
With the program and there
Were a few kind words thrown
In my direction. Then there
Was silence, which is deafening
In this environment. Nothing
Worse than a long awkward
Pause. People were getting antsy,
After all, there was the lunch.
We were about to conclude when
A Lady stood up and asked to
Say a few words. As the topic was
Somewhat out of the realm of
What was usually said at these
Things, she begged our forgiveness.
Since no one objected, she was
Given the floor. I knew her. It
Had been awhile but there was
No denying... it was her. She started
By saying her name was Helen
And she loved me. She had
Always loved me. I almost fell
Off the stage. I had known her
Years ago but never suspected
There was anything between us.
I was thinking this might not
Be the forum for such an admission.
She talked about our time at
University and how we would embark
On late night study sessions and
Early morning coffee runs. She
Mentioned the way I would bite my
Upper lip when faced with her
Latest variation of Kraft dinner. I
Was starting to blush but for the
First time... the crowd was really
Paying attention. She said I was
The only person she knew unable
To ride a bike. She appreciated the
Late night phone calls where we
Would discuss our latest dating
Disasters. She told how I was color
Blind and how she loved picking
Out my outfit for bar night. She
Took great joy at my confusion
On why so many men asked me to
Dance. I was lost for words. My
Head was spinning. Again she said
I was the love of her life and hoped
She wasn't too late. She was sorry
She never told me. Anyways. She
Was in town and wanted to see me.
She hoped she hadn't stolen my
Thunder. She knows how I like to
Make a good impression. She sat
Down... looked at me and smiled.
Aside from being the guest of honor
At my own funeral... this was
Indeed a very good day.
The End
*For those who might be interested. I will be posting my cartoon 'Bob's your Uncle' on my homepage. A new one will appear every second day.