Its Not To Late For Change Contest
If it was 1942
Relationships would carry substantial views
Since about 1983
Things have changed drastically
Backwards, zig- zaged, upside-down
Destroyed traditions have become muted sound
Men are getting milk for free
While feasting on all the meat they can eat
They have no reason to buy the cow or compliment it with a vow
Trying out the goods before paying full price
A generation who hears the word marriage and thinks twice
I’d have to blame it on the 60's babies
They started getting divorced and made everything crazy
Now what sense is it to have a child and than move in?
Not to mention it’s a biblical sin
God’s word never changed His people suddenly did
He wanted parents to be married when they had a kid
They use to ship a girl away that got pregnant before she began to show
Now there are many men that pick up and just go
We are in an age that is afraid to fully commit
Yet we have no problem doing everything else with charm and wit
The results of this lifestyle has caused nothing but chaos and pain
How many people go to court for child support every day and are in need of financial gain
Let’s not forget the teens that have followed in this lead
They meet some teenage boy and think that love means having his seed
Children are raising children while young adults are living together before its time
What’s the point of marriage if you have already drank the whole bottle of wine
If you think this is normal or that marriage is for the lame
Wait another 20 years and watch how damaged and filled with shame
Our future children will wonder why no one stays together for long
They will write it in poems and sing it in their songs
It was not just a religious belief it was the right thing to do
Fall in love get married then have a baby or two
Women are wasting their lives with a man for years
If you live together and aren’t married he will end up bringing you to tears
And if you do get married what is there to look forward to, tax right offs I suppose
Because by the time you have married you have formed thorns around your precious rose
There were no talk shows featuring “you are not the father” back then
People had one partner until the very end
Let’s not forget about the problem with STD's
They run ramped like birds in vibrant trees
Before long people will have to carry a safety card
To prove their privates aren’t strangely scarred
All avoidable, yet it keeps getting worse
When will we wake up and finally hit reverse?