It's the End Either Way
Beg me to forgive you, maybe I won’t
Marvel in my ability to see you how you are
I’m content in myself
I see a hopeless romantic, trapped in emotions bound with passion
The good are last -always
They are supposed to die young, but they can live to be last as well
It’s the end either way
It’s terrible to have never loved, this is true,
but a life time of losing in love…..?
You hand me another
Beg me and maybe I won’t
Whose heart is on the line here?
I’m struggling, desperate not to lose again
Make me fit inside your heart, I will stay there
Give me feelings and I will feel them,
my lines and I will read them
But I am made to see the romantic still trapped and still hopeless
You’re sorry and you’re forgiven,
but the cracks have still been inflicted
To go young or to be last?
though it’s the end either way
Written in Texas -1 APR 2013