itune him out with my favorite song
That ironically makes me think of him
Because basically I dedicated it to him
So typical of me
My favorite song blasting
All the lyrics match
the thoughts that are in my head
I try to find an exact emotion
that can link up with the one
I'm currently holding
It makes me feel not so alone
itune itune itune... out everything
so when no one understands
I know the song in my ipod will
It might give me a revelation
I can hear the light bulbs flicking
Did I find a new Exsistance
By just listening to these lyrics?
Sometimes I stay quiet
There is no need to start a riot
With the on going thoughts in my head
I carry infinite amounts of batteries
Cause I fear going dead
Than maybe I might have to get brave
Travel back to his wave link
After all the venting
itune back into him and just listen
Cause technology may understand
But he's my best friend
So itune in