I'Ve Been Lost
When we first met you made me happy
You took me everywhere I wanted to go
You were always trying to spoil me
We hung out everyday we possibly could
Laughing, joking, dancing
Was our kind of thing
Once you went home
We would automatically start texting
We would say “I miss you”
I couldn't stand us being far apart
I always wanted to be in your arms
And never let go
One day it all came crashing down
Your parents found out about us
They took everything away from you
Just to prevent us happening again
The problem is
I'm lost without you
I don't know what I'm doing anymore
It's been one year and seven months
I been looking for help
Since I am lost without you
I’m looking for someone to replace you
The hole in my heart
My heart tells me to go one way
But my mind tells me to go another
I don't know where to go
So I decide to stay here
Until you come and find me
Help guide me back to the right path