Love Poem: I'Ve Fallen In Love
Jan Allison Avatar
Written by: Jan Allison

I'Ve Fallen In Love

Mix the packet contents with fresh cream and milk
Boil and stir the mixture until it’s a smooth as silk
Pour into ramekin dishes and leave it to set
Don’t reach for the spoon – it’s not quite ready yet

Sprinkle on sugar and put under the grill
When the topping is bubbling just leave it to chill
Reach for the spoon and break through the crispy topping
Crème Brulee I love you – my spoon wont be stopping

Jan Allison
9th April 2014 

Written after I made a packet mix crème brulee dessert on Saturday.
 I need to get my sister to buy me supplies as I purchased it in the UK.
We don’t have this particular shop on the Island  -  I should really have a go making it from scratch