I'Ve Found a Shelter In Jesus
I've Found A Shelter in Jesus!
Through the storms of life’s sea…
I found a shelter in Christ!
He protects me!
He’s here to help me with
life’s uncertainties…
And will help me through
any difficulties!
He’s my solid rock and a
true foundation!
I run to him, no matter
the situation!
He’s here to guide us
and to lead mealong…
Even when everything in life
is “going wrong!”
He is my help, shelter and
a strong tower!
He is here to help me…
Every day and hour!
He’s given to me and my family
his blessing!
There’s nothing from him
I want to be missing!
Jesus… My lord and wonderful friend!
He’s brought me peace
and hope within!
Glory to Jesus! For his mercy and love!
He’s my protector and shelter
from heaven above!
By Jim Pemberton