I'Ve Loved You From the Start
Like a race car in a derby,
time sure flies by fast.
I always treasure every second,
for who knows if it'll be my last.
From the very moment I was born,
I never knew what to expect.
I didn't know what else to do,
but to live from one day to the next.
But from the moment I laid eyes on you,
I knew what was in store;
my soon to be companion,
who was knocking at my door.
Our love gets stronger everyday,
as time passes us on by.
And the more it soars by faster,
the more farther our love will fly.
My love for you is surely pure,
so have no thoughts of doubt.
For all of your love and kindness,
I surely couldn't live without.
Your heart's all I need,
to assure I have your love.
For love's a priceless gift,
sent from our good Lord from up above.
We have our good days and our bad,
and our ups and maybe downs.
But one thing rest assured,
is that my heart holds not a frown.
We must give it all we got,
and make it through the thick and thin.
Get through the rough and toughest days,
until we finally reach the end.
Although time may fly by fast,
there's no race to the end.
Because every moment that passes by,
our love will always win.
My life wouldn't had been complete,
if it hadn't been for you.
Of all the dreams I've ever had,
you're my dream come true.
What pursuades me to strive ahead
and to never strive behind,
is knowing you're right by my side,
on any day at any time.
From the starting line to the finish,
I hope we don't depart.
I hope we both finish together,
for I've loved you from the start.