I'Ve Met Myself
I've met myself
many times coming and going...
generally a quick smile
and respectful nod – seldom
pausing to chat, both of us
longing for more together
I (me/myself) have met so many
other pairs...traveling together/alone,
the double nature of a
human journey...half inclined
to linger and experience, nurture
and service
while the other, at a manic
pace, seeking one's self, yet
expanding the divide
I guess, would us multitudes
of separations ever join
together, it would mean the end of
warring...but of music, and poetry
as well, as we know it
no need to fire canons-of-being
if no one to report their twang
and echos....sing of and chronicle
triumphs and failures ("dreaming
the impossible dream...")
the flats and sharps
of a lyrical soul....