I'Ve Seen Sin's Destructive Force
I’ve Seen Sin’s Destructive Force!
I have seen the destruction of sin’s evil force.
It happens when people’s lives go “off course.”
God has given to us his word as a solid foundation.
Too many relationships end in a separation.
I’ve seen people being together for many years.
Come to an abrupt “halt.” Ending in heartache and tears.
People that have had many harsh words spoken…
Only to have their lives torn apart and broken!
God has given us his was of truth and living.
It requires a life of sacrifice and giving!
He asks for us to sacrifice our time for him
And to allow for his love and a healing to begin!
The truth of his word need to guide what we do and say.
It needs to guard our souls, 24 hours each day!
Scripture gives us a “roadmap” in which build upon.
God’s spirit will guide us when “things go wrong.”
May I suggest spending some time each day in prayer?
Your heavenly father knows your every need and cares!
He wants the very best for you and so much more!
His love and mercy are truly worth living for!
If your life seems “fragile” and heading
in the “wrong direction.”
Won’t you seek God’s ways
and his “divine correction?”
With the blood of Jesus, your life
will be on solid ground!
For where there is sin... God’s love does
much more abound!
Please come to the Lord! Why not this hour?
Experience his presence and
life-changing power!
By Jim Pemberton