Jaded Love
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
Fool me time and time again – I am stupidly in love.
They say the sign of a crazy man
Is someone who does the same thing over and over again,
Expecting a different result each time.
I am a crazy man.
The first time you broke my heart,
I nearly ended my life.
When I finally resolved to live again
You came knocking on my door asking for forgiveness.
I welcomed you with open arms – falling hard once again.
The second time – I swore it would never happen again.
I lied.
Upon each return you swore you had learned your lesson –
I proved I had not learned mine.
You come back to me broke – I make you whole again.
You come back to me drunk – I sober you up again.
You come back to me abused – I nurse you to good health again.
You come back to me in need – I drop everything to comply.
You only love me when your life is at rock bottom.
Once I help you to your feet – you use them to walk out on me again;
And, I am left a broken man.
I would love to say, “Never again”, but I know I am too weak.
The spell you hold over me is one I cannot resist.
I have ended other, more healthy relationships,
To once again jump on the carousel of your jaded love,
Only to have the ride come to an end and the fair leave town once again
With this little boy holding a handful of unused ride tickets:
No refunds – No rain dates – No sense at all.
I pray that you do not come back again.
The pain of you not being with me is less intense than the pain of you leaving again.
Please, allow me to suffer the lesser evil.