My mind is boiling over, filled with thoughts
I keep trying, trying to pick up the pieces, all for naught
I really like you, but you don’t seem to care, do you?
You have her, so why shouldn’t you bid me adieu?
I thought I made it clear. How the hell are you so oblivious?
But wait, how do I know you’re not being lascivious?
How do I know you’re not just another creep from the streets?
Or that, if we finally get together, you won’t cheat?
Oh, who am I kidding, you’re perfect
You’re no more hideous, than I am a sales rack reject
There’s no point in me trying to find any flaws in you
You’re with her, and that’s how it should stay,
After all, the only song life was meant to play
For me is the one that’s forever blue.