Love Poem: Jess
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Written by: Andy Sprouse


You, my life, my love;
What more can I give to you?
You have my heart,
I've pledged my soul.
No matter your reassurances,
that doesn't seem, to me, enough;
I yearn to surrender more, give you even more than I have;
But what more is left?

Every tiny, meaningless thing
takes on new depth with you;
It's as if you've awakened my very being,
shown me new wonders I'd never dared imagine real
with every single breath you take.
When you let out your mirth,
and dance out in the rain,
my smile can't be held back,
my joy at yours boundless.
When you lift your voice in song,
my heart beats to your melody,
my soul the enraptured audience to an angel's harmony.

When you need me most,
and my touch brings you comfort,
my purpose makes itself known:
To be with you,
to be there for you,
to live what was meant to be,
you and me.