Jessie's Drum
Jessie’s Drum
A little girl with an imagination
That went on forever
One day a cowgirl
The next trying to plug in your stuffed rabbit
We never knew what you were going to do next
You never ceased to amaze us
You knew who you were from the start
And you always marched to the beat of
Jessie’s Drum
So much has changed
Through the years you have grown
The streak in you has gone
And as much as I hate to admit
Won’t be long before you are all grown up
You are still just as sweet
And you are beautiful as well
Marching to the beat of
Jessie’s Drum
The biggest thing being that you know who you are
Not letting others talk you into things
You know are wrong
Or that would compromise who you are
A teenager with a good head on her shoulders
A girl with a dream
You know you are who you want to be
So no matter what others may say
I know you will always
March to the beat of
Jessie’s Drum
And because of that I know you will go far
By: Jean Shular
For Jessie
I know your dreams will come true
Just like I know you will always be you
We love you