Jesus, I Love You
Jesus, I love you
With all my heart
Jesus, I will serve you
Until from life I depart
Jesus, I worship you
More now than when I did start
Jesus, I adore you
And pray we’re never apart
Jesus, please be with me
Through the good and the bad
Jesus, please deliver me
Through happy and sad
Jesus, please keep me
Even when I feel so glad
Jesus, please don’t leave me
There’s nothing more I can add
Jesus, forgive me for sin
That has caused me so much shame
Jesus, please take away my sin
Some of which I have no name
Jesus, wash away my sin
All of which I am to blame
Jesus, deliver me from sin
For this I know you came
Jesus, you’re my everything
With you, I am secure and sure
Jesus, you’ve been everything
Without you, I can’t be mature
Jesus, teach me everything
With you, I know I can be pure
Jesus, fill me with everything
Without you, I can’t possibly endure
Jesus, wash me in the blood
Make me white as snow
Jesus, cover me with your blood
It’s to your love that I do owe
Jesus, thank you for the blood
It’s amazing with it’s mighty flow
Jesus, you gave us your blood
Assuring our hearts that you we know