Love Poem: Jesus Can Take Care of All Your Problems
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Jesus Can Take Care of All Your Problems

Jesus Can Take Care Of Your Problems!

Jesus can take care of all your problems!
Won’t you invite him in?
 And let him solve them?

He alone can take of what may troubling you!
He is God!  And will never disappoint you!

He can turn any of your situations around!
And can pick you up, when you’re down!

He’s waiting to put his loving
 arms around you!
No matter what circumstances
 may surround you!

He’s the master of life’s rough
 and stormy seas!
He brings true hope and
 everlasting peace!

Behold his beauty and forgiving grace!
He brings stability and a firm resting place!

He’s clothed with glory and awesome splendor!
And wants to be with you in heaven… 

Let’s come and humbly honor
 and kneel before him!
Let’s give him our life! 
 And completely trust him! 

Thank you Lord!  For everything
 you do for me!
You have come and brought
 life abundantly!

By Jim Pemberton