Love Poem: Jesus Christ Lives - the Celtic Cross Style

Jesus Christ Lives - the Celtic Cross Style

~Jesus Christ Lives ~ ( The Celtic Cross) Christ Came and Rose And now Lives and He sits With His Father One day He will return So be ready when He comes Because no one knows the day or the hour but one day He'll return As He promised and then His reign will begin and will never end And Jesus will never lie because He is God and He is just perfect He loves everybody so much and doesn't want a single soul to perish He always tells us the truth It is something I am sure I just accept And also Want to Believe It.That's The way I feel My faith In Him Can't be Shaken. It is Too strong. My hope Always Rest on God's hands Amen. Dorian Petersen Potter aka ladydp2000 copyright@2010
June.14.2016 ~Author's Notes: The "Celtic Cross" is a poetry style created by Dorian Petersen Potter, aka ladydp2000, on September 17,2010.