Jesus I Praise and Thank You
Lord, I Praise and Thank You!
Lord, I praise and thank you
for this moment.
I give you my life,
with no postponement!
I repent of my backward
and sinful ways.
I lift up my hands and
give you praise!
I admit that I can’t do it on my own.
I invite you to be the lord of my home!
I come before you on bended knees.
And ask you to change
my life… Please!
You’re the one that I want
to daily seek!
You are so strong,
and I am so weak!
I love you Jesus! More than I can say!
Speak your words,
that I may obey!
I worship and bring honor
to your name!
Your message of salvation,
I’ll forever proclaim!
By Jim Pemberton 06/13/16