Jesus Is Always With Us
Jesus Is Always with Us!
Jesus didn’t bring us this far to leave us.
He remains faithful and really loves us!
His promises are true and everlasting.
A simple faith in him is what he’s asking!
His faithfulness and love is solid and secure.
And gives everlasting friendship… That’s for sure!
Won’t you come and have
fellowship with him?
He wants to be with you,
that you may know him.
Please come dear Lord and fill us with grace.
May your presence come and bless this place!
May your power come
and reach down within.
That we all would trust you,
as Lord and friend.
May your words of life stir within our soul.
It’s your blessings in us you want to bestow.
May you guide us in all that we endeavor…
You are always with us…
Today and forever!!!
By Jim Pemberton 01/26/15