Jesus Is Gracious, Loving and Kind
Jesus Is Gracious, Loving and Kind!
Jesus is gracious, loving and most kind!
His faithfulness has stood the test of time!
He’s always there, when he’s most needed.
By his precious shed blood, any life is completed!
He came, so that anyone can have fellowship within!
And offers himself, as the atonement for sin!
I‘m so thankful for the wonderful
work he’s done!
All glory and honor to Jesus, God’s precious son!
He’s filled with glory, and awesome
power displayed.
A way for salvation, on Calvary, has been paid.
Won’t you accept this Lord? He waits for you.
He offers his best, because he loves you!
The abundant life he gives, you’ll never obtain…
Until that day you reach out and call on his name!
He is and will always be the one
who can complete us.
We don’t need to let discouragement defeat us!
Come one and all, and receive
the love HE provided!
A commitment to you, through HIM, is decided!
Thank you sweet Jesus, for the life you bring!
You are the Lord God!
And can do ANYTHING!
By Jim Pemberton