Jesus Is Keeper of the Stars---Beholding Hearts of Love
Way before time began
God had His Divine Plans
With His hands Open Wide
Bursting Out His Divine Love
Stars through Galaxys
Shining on "You & Me"
As I gaze upon the moon
giving its everlasting light
half and half twilights bright
As I know God
has his Divine hands on You
Tis He beholds the galaxy
With His undying Love tis True
That He has bestowed within me
Which He has bestowed within You
With Star Burst of Divine Love
Ever so Truly giving by God above
For He is the Keeper of the Stars
Blessing us here and now
Beholding Love deeply within
Between us.. hearts of Truth
Tender in sweet.. Still..
True Love.. that Never ends
Jesus Is the Keeper of the Stars
Beholding Hearts of Love..
"You & Me"
& "All the People"
Come to Jesus