Jesus Needs To Cleanse Our Churches Today
Jesus Needs to Cleanse The Sin In Our Churches Today!
Many in church allow things in their life, that don’t belong!
This is why they’re weak,
and not spiritually strong!
So much filth from the world is what’s often enjoyed…
While so many lives are being spiritually destroyed!
Even prayer time seems to be a “thing of the past.”
Many want “cheap thrills…” And they want them fast!
Any kind of holy living is often being replaced.
“Anything goes,” as long as it brings a “smiling face.”
“If it feels good, do it!” Seems to be the “new rule.”
“We don’t want to offend anyone.” “We want to be cool!”
Many want to have services that are called “contemporary.”
Whatever “peace” and “love,”
many have… Is just temporary!
Many don’t want to hear about God’s holy way of living.
“All is o.k.” As long as they go on Sunday and keep giving!
Any respect for God’s house is often “thrown out the door.”
God’s convicting presence, they don’t want anymore!
It’s about the numbers, and how people come in…
“Let’s not offend anyone.” “Let’s no preach about sin!”
The truth of God’s word has too often been watered down.
Would God himself, would be welcomed on their side of town?
It’s time for a Holy Ghost shaking of the wickedness within!
It’s time we preach on what is holy, and what is SIN!
Judgment shall begin at God’s house. It’s almost here!
Christ is coming soon! His return is very near!
Please come Lord Jesus! And restore our churches today!
We need your cleansing power!
And our sins washed away!
By Jim Pemberton