Jesus Once Came To Save Us
Jesus came to save us
and will return to earth unexpectedly
to estabilish an everlasting kingdom,
stronger than the rocks of the mountains,
which nobdy is caple of destroying...not
even Satan,with all his power,can try!
Jesus once came to bring us together as
many obeying children under one family;
He'll gather all under His throne
to make us perfect and holy:
we'll have new bodies and minds without pain,
and we will glorify Him eternally!
Jesus will reappear to open his pierced palms
and say to the silent crowds
"Come and eat at the table of my kingdom
with the holy prophets and saints;
come and share with them the pure love,
joy,peace and happiness that my father offers!"
Jesus's gospel is about kindness,
like imitating the very little ones...
if we are to enter the gates of his kingdom
and He joyfully tells us,
"Love like them and learn from them,
but don't harm or corrupt them...
because my judgement will be very harsh;
choose life to uphold fairness and justice!
Jesus hears the prayers that we utter
when we go through hardships and unbearable days,
and He will grant only those that are sincere and truthful;
Jesus seeks good hearts to dispel their fears,
to console them when they don't choose the ways of the world...
to suffer much,but never to give up to despair!