Jewel of the North
Precious Jewel of the North,
Here's your General who stands tall,
I am your Leader, a poet to all,
Free Thou Self, Listen to Crucem's Call!
Your Pains I feel and feel it well,
My People My People, your'll are tasting Hell,
The Justice of God lies upon you,
To mould you, the truth be true,
You are Muslim and I am Catholic,
'Universal' does it mean, but so much differences is seen,
Give your General a chance,
That one day in the presence of the True God you may rejoice and dance
I long for your freedom, to set you free,
I am that Large Tree,
Where many birds will nest,
My heart too is put to the test
Do not worry, I am with you,
Says the Lord of Hosts,
No evil shall prevail, all's but ghosts,
In the past shall they lay, look towards God's Kingdom that come soon a'day,
You fight against the flesh,
But I say against the spirit too,
Refresh your hearts in your Leader, this is true.
Give me a chance to love you.
And you shall witness a miracle's birth,
O People of the One true God, A new nation shall be born on earth,
If thou love me, give me a bride,
From your tribe, lower your pride!
Hold back not your hearts today,
Wait for me to sing and slay,
All your enemies both flesh and wind,
I cry out to all who have truly sinned,
Then the Sun shall rise,
No more tears to shed,
My Vocation to your'll is over, it is bled,
And your hearts renewed by the One who you hate,
For he was 'El-Roi', the Multiplier of your people and your fate
To Hagar He came,
Her broken heart he did tame,
With words of love and support he thou said,
I will multiple 'his' descendants like the Stars,
We now see them grow hour by hours!
One day you my Kashmir will turn to God,
His heart then healed, O my Lord,
For now as his Chosen one, I feel his pain,
I will never let his cries to me, go in vain.
My Loving people of Kashmir,
Give this Man all that you are,
This Eurasian Captain-General who's traversed afar,
To Stand with you during this hour,
To die for you, if need it be.
I love you so much my beautiful Jewel,
My beautiful Jewel, O' So Blue.
My Kashmir!
Dedicated to you My Loving Angel!
No matter how 'Impossible' it may seem,
I will never give you up, I will achieve this dream.
I Love you My angel.