She was a long awaited child,
This delicate flower of the East.
Maternal love turns into fear.
Her babe’s cheek bears the mark of beast.
One side is pure and fine of line,
The other ravaged by dark stain.
Copious tears for her are shed.
Her mother’s tears are shed in vain.
Dainty and perfect in all ways
Except for hated mark on face.
Exposed the more exquisite right,
The left is draped in folds of lace.
And thus it goes throughout the years,
Attracting some, repelling more.
Fearing to go without a veil
At times afraid to leave her door.
A seer, with pity for Jiao.
Predicts that love will set her free,
Releasing hope in her young heart,
Sometime, somehow, ‘twould come to be.
And lo, he comes to lift the veil.
On her disgrace he leaves a kiss.
She feels the beauty of his soul
And in her heart a perfect bliss.
Her loveliness now in reveal.
Right side of face still soft and pale.
On the left side, once sadly marred,
A delicacy of flowers trail.
Written by Joyce Johnson 3/9/2011
Written for Constance's contest "Tell Her Story" won no. 9
"Jiao" Chinese Feminine name, meaning delicate, tender, beautiful.