Love Poem: Journey To My Heart
Thami  Mathibe Avatar
Written by: Thami Mathibe

Journey To My Heart

Journey to my heart

Eyes gazed into a life changing Phenomenon 
The mind, enlightened with life 
Each heartbeat signifies the life in me
The Phenomenon affected the hearts reactions 
This Phenomenon is miraculous 
I gasped for air after a stimulating experience 
Gazing into this Phenomenon provokes Action
The progressions of my heart changed 
This Phenomenon is my stimuli,
This stimuli is my Phenomenon
This Phenomenon is my miracle
This miracle is my firmament 
This Firmament is my heart
This heart is my Phenomenon’s Play ground       
Thoughts are governed by this Phenomenon
My actions are controlled by my thoughts 
This Phenomenon has become my only thought
Like a puppet to a puppeteer 
This Phenomenon holds all the cards 
My heart assumed the Characteristics of a puppet 
I lost all control over my hearts progressions 
I became a passenger in my own heart 
This Phenomenon took me on a ride 
I could feel my eyes smiling unintentionally 
The sight was worth a thousand words
I never new meeting my heart would be this incomprehensible 
I traveled across my mind, my thoughts and my actions 
Only to reach my Phenomenon 
Only to reach my Heart