Love Poem: Joy...Oh, Boy
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Written by: Daniel Cwiak

Joy...Oh, Boy

You lay in the surf waiting for me
Although Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr we could not be.
Trying at love with the incoming tide
Kelp and seaweed stuck to my side.

"Great gods", thought I, as I wrote the rhyme
Use "Adonis" and "Poseidon" from another time.
I'll let love be the center of the poem I write
And show all who read it, my emotional insight.

The pounding of the waters blue
Will be my metaphor of a love so true.
And I'll have to sex it up a bit
For passion plays a big part in it.

I will use "penetration" and words like "breech"
To add to that image of us on the beach.
With the romantic beginning I have said
And to the altar of love that I've been led.

Because I  finish with our pledge on the shore
The reader will always want to have more.
So, the green eyed girls will be my poetic night
And close the verse, so crisp and tight.

Note:  It took sum lookin' fer me to find,
          Which of yer verses to redo in kind.
          I be such a nut on rime y'see...
          This'n be the one fer me.

          Not only be the words of it I do,
          But "Glad Tidings" title caught me good eye, too!
          'Cause it be 'ard fer me to act on yer quirk,
          Me spleen to trash one o' yer better werks.

          As I be not 'fraid of a few typed words,
          Trashin' me stuff as if'n they be turds.
          So, 'ere y'ar matey, me own attempt whilst I be sprawl,
          To change them words that ye did scrawl.

          Me words 're somwhat boggin'
          'Cause me be thinkin' what was in 'er noggin'.
          And if'n ye take offense at me 'ritin' a bit,
          "RRRRRRRRRRR emember that ye asked fer it!