Love Poem: Joy
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh


Nehemiah 8:10 (KJV) Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Jesus Over You
Most Christians pray to be blessed. Few pray to be broken. - Leonard Ravenhill Everyone wants to be clothed with power but no one wants to be stripped of self - Leonard Ravenhill Yes, Lord… I know that You have saved me But do I know that You are remaking me into someone different, Someone who is kind and considerate, someone who listens To Your whisper when I might not hear the tenderness of Your scriptures You are making me into a better spirit, a kinder heart, a gentle hope You are remaking me into a light who shines through the darkness You are making me into a promise of love that lasts throughout the worst Yes, Lord… I know that You have saved me You even gave me the grace to share Your love and kindness, The beautiful that lifts my heart and inspired me, The wonder of Your miracle – the love that is alive, the hope That takes me from doubting to knowing how to cope Yes, Lord… I know that You have saved me But do I know just what You gave me when You silenced the fears in my heart, When You taught me the meaning of listening to God’s still, small voice… The breathless prayer and the meaning beyond the words – the music That can be heard in the grace, the love that prepares the heart to give With sincerity and generosity, with love that listens to the heart, the soul Love that kindles a promise, a joy that embraces the very being, A joy so beautiful it feels like the meaning of love, the wonder hidden Just beneath the surface of hope, the miracle of faith that is filled with grace Yes, Lord… I know that You have saved me But do I remember to thank You for all You gave me When those nail scarred hands embraced me, When those precious words raised me… from the fear When those wonders of real love drew me away from my own desires, Quenched my thirst for grace that could light a fire beneath my wings, Teach me to reach beyond my own dreams, into the yearning I have for giving someone other than me… the beautiful Love that frees the soul to see… Joy beyond my own comprehension Joy that lives in the hearts of those who see Him With hearts who are faithful, souls who are grateful For the love that saves us … the love that gave us A reason to spread seeds, the gospel who melts away fear Lifts the soul and inspires joy that abounds inside the soul Who knows this man – Jesus, the answer to every hurt This joy lives because His love gives – His love is… The promise of eternal peace – His love is… The joy that sees through the sorrow… Gentling every tomorrow Joy like this – is joy that sends its sweetness Into the soul and spirit … into the life Who only needs to forget to think selfishly And begins to seek selflessly! God has blessed me with a Joy that is – living inside And I pray I can share it wherever I can bestow – This love that comes from knowing the lover of my soul Jesus, my life’s promise, my hope of eternal love!