Joy and Retribution
I was devised in lesser dreams
Yes, I failed to mention this before;
What lies in God’s department store? What remnants does he have for you this day? For you
drew his flame upon a sidewalk so long ago. You wept his holy name society amid the
closure dream your parents few held sacred. Oh such solace you did seek those brilliant
nights before the storm, before the calling glare of your neighbor’s tail lights.
Where so now they take you brother, where?
Shout this edict blue,
‘til it reigns your week to seek redemption in the cue; a line upon the face an angel
wears; for your keeper walks a thin line too. He traces mirror true a reversal of the
sentence, God’s joke spewed upon the tile floor. How all illusive blooms burst before the
logical stance of gentlemen who hold the world’s sway; the sun, the moon decay ever so
slowly, ever so justly and true –even though they never see it; this golden retribution
cause their synapse muscle-bright – a time we all withstand in color, in truth, in all
sublime irony that pours forth to meld the frame – Devised in lesser dreams, to layer long
the days, the weeks, the years; to stand upon the structure made weekly; to layer long the
tears. Yet, my feats are small to steady there long; I know the sum and all, in both joy
and retribution, will un-tether there and fall.