Joyful Psalms of Praise
With your love, you
love me, with your
strength, you Lord,
Strengthen me
By your living word I am
Given wisdom, faith, and
Knowledge with which to
Guide my ways
I have need of your love
Every moment where sin
Has a chance to enter,
Where worldly lust has
A chance to rise
I need your living word to
Guide my feet, for your word,
Is surely an illuminating
light for my path
For alone, I will fall alone,
I will stumble alone, and
My life would be given into
Worldly sin
Without you, my mind might
seek To do the evil which
might breed in a lustful heart
I cannot stand alone without
Your power, your grace, your
Love, and wisdom to guide me
My bones would become brittle
As a result of sin, and my body
Would become sickly falling prey
To worldly decay
My youthfulness might disappear
Enabling sin to have its way
with me, if you are not near me
I shall age before those who
Are older in years, for I will
Become old and disabled, my eyes
Blind and my hands feeble
I will be lost in the worlds
Darkness, and madness of sin,
If you, my Lord are, not my rock,
my sure foundation…
For only through you can one
Gain eternal life, an eternal
Gift Which shall endure forever
Only in you is paradise found
For your love is the one true
love which inhabits heavens
paradise forever within itself
I have such a great need for you
To be my God, my Lord and my
Master, to supplement me all of
My days spiritually
I beg for the crumbs from your
Table of life, so that my spirit
May have Its hunger filled…
That I may always be a part of you
My master, as you are inside of me
Filling me with your lasting love
So that you will never say to me
Again, If you love me, you will
Do all my commands…
And I will reply gratefully to you
Lord, “I will do as you command and
even more.”
So that when my restoration is made
Complete, you will seat me in the
Presence of my brothers and sisters…
Where together we will praise you, Lord,
Morning, noon, and evening with Joyful
Psalms of praise.
(Written, October 1976)