July-My Favourite Month
I have an ardent attachment with July,
Coz me and my partner share our born days
This month ~for love on each other we rely.
Monsoon seems to be high, hoping to satisfy
Nature showers whole heartedly, as it sprays
I have an ardent attachment with july
"July" named by the Roman Senate, to imply
The birth of Julius Caesar, for giving honour it says
This month ~for love on each other we rely
Larkspur and water Lily are in largest supply,
Blossoms absolute bond of love, prevents frays
I have an ardent attachment with july
Meditating in dark, about him who is in Dubai,
Refusing to message & enquire regarding holidays
This month~for love on each other we rely
Sitting in two different countries, we ally
Thinking of past memoirs always
I have an ardent attachment with july.
This month~for love on each other we rely.
Villanelle form with rhyme scheme:
A1 b A2 / a b A1 / a b A2 / a b A1 / a b A2 / a b A1 A2.
Written on 27-6-2020.
Note1:Month of the year that I like most poetry Contest.(N/A)
Judged on 18-7-2020
Note2:STRAND COMPLETELY NEW (24) ,any form,
any theme Poetry Contest(N/A)
Judged on 19-8-2020