June Mornings
Sun slips through slits in the blinds
The faint light awakens my senses.
I use to feel a void
An emptiness
My hollowness was an extension
Of my own forced missteps.
I spent so long wasting time
Confused and scared.
Alone and cold.
Mistakes in the past still feel so fresh.
As if that’s all I was made for
All I was bred for.
I was brought here by choices I’ll never forget
Emotions I thought were legit.
The pain of the past is what pushed me towards this light
This sun that spills through
To remind me and
Pushes the morning forward.
I’ll never know all the answers
And I’ve always been a little scared.
Until The sun cuts through the window
Coloring the darkness and coating your face.
And when our eyes meet for the first time each new day
I know there is no where I would rather be.