Love Poem: Junior High Crush
Bobby May Avatar
Written by: Bobby May

Junior High Crush

Kissed her once on Halloween, we were only sixteen
Spent the whole night together gazing at the stars
Holding hands walking down the street under the moonlight
Young love separated through time with only memories left

Then I found her once more yet years had passed
Both married but the feelings never left as we again connected
An ache within our hearts knowing nothing could be done
Both faithful and true to the ones we married

How can one simple kiss last this long through time
Two hands that have never stopped holding each others
The same moon and stars we once both walked under, are still there
Every year on Halloween I think of that one special night

If I only knew that one simple kiss would have kept us both together 

Contest:If Only You Knew
Sponsored by: Silent One 
Dated: 10/21/2020 
"True Story"