Junk Dna?
Let me just say…
I’m not a scientist hear
Not a preacher, not a seeker, Just
Eternally a student and believer.
Simple Ways are my Teacher
And, I haven’t read much,
I don’t know books I
Don’t go to church,
Or get checked up.
Can’t quote a thing or
Talk on medicine
Ooo, and I don’t do math… ;)
Reckon I better add that and
Having done so, I’m here to say, something
About something I do believe, which is
There’s no such thing as “Junk” DNA
... ” what if ” ...
we still ‘have it’, because it’s worth having… AND
... ” what if ” ...
there are so many ANDs in the Books because that means something… :)
outstANDingly, Good…
not that I’ve read them, but I glanced them and the ANDs stAND out… \shurgs/
... and & dna…
& & & 777 = 21 U… get it yet? ;)
...if not, check. The Key.board.
&AND&&...include everything.