Just a Glimpse of You
Is there a reason to forget
those bright eyes of yours,
that once melted my frozen heart?
You were my dream and
I was your hope until
hideous fate peeked in
in the disguise of
irresistible choice
and grabbed you away
from me - forever
leaving me alone
groping in the dark -
like a fragile paperboat
drifting and drowning
in strong currents of stream
In the pitch dark of my life
when flashes of memories
of our own secret space
of those delicate strolls
along the shores
holding hand in hand -
our footprints in sand
your inviting smiles
and deep insights
ignite my dazed spirit:
My weary soul just prays
for a chance to meet you again...
My tender mind just craves
to feel your magical aura again...
My anxious eyes just yearn
to meet those sparkling eyes again...
Just to catch a glimpse of you...
to soothe my pangs of separation
Just a glimpse of you...
My love...
Submitted for: Writing Prompt - Ache - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Constance La France