Just a Moment
There was a moment when I dreamed – prayed
For this day, this promise, this light – shadowed by sensitivity
Love pouring out serenity in me, challenging my heart
To listen to the intimacy, the passion, the genuine laughter
Discovered hidden just out of reach, in the silence
Where only the truly enthused might discern its tenderness
The echo of such tempting joy, abiding inside where I know
This moment has been a part of my life since before I was born
It was this moment that haunted my spirit with vibrant hues
Imaginations so vivid they hung the moon with their sparkle,
Their magic, mystery, miraculous enthusiasm, like starlight twinkling
Blinding the darkness with such luminosity, radiance, genius
Whispering faith into the heart, reminiscence into the spirit
Lighting the thoughts with wonders so secretive and spectacular
They silence even the pregnant words who long to find solace
On the empty page, amazed that such hope has words to explain
There was a moment when I felt – alive as the dance
Swirling and twirling with fairytale charm, marvels of aspirations
Crisp crimson and valiant sapphire, emerald and elaborate violet
Majestic sighs murmur to my soul, harboring thrills so astonishing
They feel like exhilaration pouring from heavens, raining down
Creativity, bursts of energy, beliefs that quiet every doubt
Sing poetry, psalms, lyrics who kiss away the heartaches
Shine whimsical harmony into the protective embrace, such grace
It was this moment – the moment when blessings were inviting me
To believe in the truth of His mercy, His support, His kindness
The expressions of One who is alive inside me, guiding me, thriving
Surviving every doubt, every flicker of uncertainty, every misgiving
I was waiting all my life, yet knew this moment before there was time
When His light would enfold my spirit in beauty that can’t be seen
Beauty so deep it feeds the soul a rich diet of integrity and faith
Reassures the heart that even in pain there is light to sustain
Reminds me that I have a Savior who will be there for me, even in death
His love is beyond perfect! It is flawless, faultless, complete
Without hesitation – His love means the end of all my struggling
His love means that all sorrow is finished – with Him, I have fulfillment!
It was the moment when He saved my soul that I knew the meaning of hope!