Just Another Used To Be
I remember when I used to love you
Those times when I believed the moon lived in your eyes
When I thought the stars shone brighter in your presence
I remember those days when you used to be my smile.
Long ago ages it seems when your voice put me to sleep.
Some days the feeling I used to feel visits my being
It don’t feel as powerful as it used to be
Just another sad moment that last for a second
Remember those days I used to cry cos I missed you?
Those days when my name used to taste sweeter than wine?
When my presence embraced and blessed your days?
Yeah… those silent moments underneath the dark night
The sparkles in our eyes and grins brightened the silent evenings.
When your arms warmed and scared the cold away
When the sound of my voice was the only sweet melody you knew.
I’m talking about the restlessness our bodies knew naught
When love, joy and happiness were the story of our lives.
Until… until… you slipped, tripped and fell on some foreign lap
Then it pierced through my soul out through my heart
But baby… baby it’s just a forlorn memory on my mind
Love, true depths of love knows no ending
The heart doesn’t break, just like a wound it heals
LOL… if I’m allowed to say that, describes our history
Cos the best way to entertain history is to laugh at it
Then it will only be just another memory…
Everything happens for a reason and I’m glad we happened
Or else I wouldn’t know how to love better
Yes you are… Just another book I used to read
You are nothing but a memory