Just Been Thinking
Went to the doctors today to get our repeat prescriptions,
Got me to thinking of things of all descriptions.
Never thought for a second when I was a young lad,
That some day way in the future that I would be a granddad.
Well, now it's here and I am an old man of 74 years come July,
Not in bad nick for an owd 'un and only 2 pills a day do I rely.
Been blessed from above with a lass for me to love all these years,
Looking at folk around us, all theirs ailments brings on a few tears.
We don't get out much nowadays, we could, as we both can still drive,
Not folk who like to go visiting, we tend to stay home, glad to be alive.
When we look out of the window the winter looks cold and so bleak,
Get the log burner roaring, even our dogs snuggle up, it's warmth to seek.
I'm sat here composing this poem while my wife and our dogs sleep,
I'll be joining them soon, once I'm done, and then I'll slumber deep.
Outside it's pitch black and the icy rain is pouring down the window pane,
I sit and wonder why God has seen fit to bless us over and over again.
He loves us and lets it show, that's why, when I sit and think, like now,
My heart gives a lift, sometimes I just smile, sometimes happy tears flow.
That's All for now. Goodnight and God Bless.
© Dave Timperley 18/01/2020