Love Poem: Just Believe - 2
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Just Believe - 2

There are those who question The reality of a God who knows us One who smiles down on our confession That the sin we might not discuss Is still a dark and dreadful transgression There are those who doubt The need for His mercy and grace They don’t know what it’s all about Wanting for the Savior we embrace Needing a redeemer to seek out There are those who don’t understand The meaning of God’s absolution Refusing to listen to God’s command To repent and believe the solution The One sitting at God’s right hand There are those who look for a reason God’s motive for giving His pardon Believing this to be like high treason Following the occurrence in the garden When sin came to us in due season There are those who don’t want to believe In spite of the truth – Jesus saves They don’t seem to know how to receive Through faith that doesn’t end at graves But follows us to an eternity we’ll never leave There are those who won’t enter paradise With the hope that comes to hearts who know God is alive inside because He paid the price The highest price we could not pay, buy or borrow He loved us all so much He became the sacrifice I believe in Jesus Christ Whose great sacrifice sufficed Because of His gift, His life We can live again without strife Because of His light, His love We can someday live up above Because of His grace, His loss We can bring it all to the cross! God bless you with a new life!