Just Like Me
Hiding myself under the bridges of my mind
where everything gathered
like the scars left behind
All innocence was shattered in me
convinced every promise be a lie
Never again would I trust with my life
So you came in the darkness of the night
planting flowers hid from sight
April came, and there they grew
everyday appeared something new
On every stone, a note....
"My love, I'm just like you"
Some things you can't undo -
and there's other things you never knew
But when I said never
I meant it forever
too battered too broken and bruised
In the end I always seem
the one that ends up used
So you built me a home and a garden fair
The horses graze in the pasture there
you asked for nothing in return
Some things you said... take time to learn
I am here, you are there
I know you think I just don't care
But when I said never
I meant it forever
My heart can't take anymore.
Your gypsy soul is changing form
Your give is gone, nothing more.
There's a love much deeper than you've ever seen
A love that see's what you truly need
"You see, I'm just like you"
You write, you draw, you dance your heart
I build, I plant, I work my part
But it's the child that hides underneath
Just waiting to trust what they see
Out of time to live for just a dream
"My love, your just like me
Someday, I swear it, you'll marry me".
Not for what we give or get
but for the kind of happiness
that makes us forget
Tonight the child in you, will cry herself to sleep.
And you alone in the dark, still refusing defeat.
Some demons are soothed
but they never sleep.