Just Listen My Friend
When you are in darkness,
With gloom and dismay,
You feel what's worthwhile
Is slipping away.
You wonder if life
Is worth living at all.
Your mind is in turmoil,
And you're apt to fall.
If you listen closely
Someone is calling
He whispers gently
“I can keep you from falling.”
“Don't go any further,
But take a deep breath,
Call on to to Me,
And I'll do the rest.”
“Your troubles are over,
If you'll come unto me,
For I understand them,
And will set you free.”
I know His sweet voice,
His words are all true
And if you will but listen
He has much to give you.
Your life will be better
I promise my friend
For this loving Person
Has blessings to send
If you will yet trust Him
He always will stay
All of your darkness
Will then go away
Copyright, Kathryn Search