Love Poem: Just One More Turn
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Written by: Andy Sprouse

Just One More Turn

To break a man's life down
into digits, to numbers,
might seem strange to you;
distant, or heartless, or just odd.

But that was just our way;
we'd both been dubbed 'robot'
at one time or another.
So that's what I'll do.

Forty years; two thousand, ninety five weeks.
Fourteen thousand, six hundred and sixty seven days.
Three hundred, fifty two thousand hours.
Twenty one million, one hundred twenty thousand minutes.

We were each fortunate to have a share,
for each one was spent in service.
Some to his country, some to his ethics;
some to a laugh, and all to those he loved.

His knowledge, his time, his effort -
none were ever withheld or hoarded.
It was yours, the moment he could give it;
all you had to do was ask.

If greed means always wanting more,
never saying 'plenty', never being satisfied -
then today, we're all as greedy as they come.
Because twenty one million is just not enough, damnit.

But no matter how great its stature,
even mountains don't last forever -
especially the ones that are in the shape of men.

So goodbye, Mouse.
Dad, Smasher Twelve Twenty Eight,
Karl von Konigsberg;

I wish we could hit that button...
for just one more turn.