Just Scream
By Mark Miller © 02/19/2014
Sleeping through life scorned of lorn crept alone and aware
Houses and cars roam about a sallow sorrow superstars we are
Soaring highs sickened sights sculpt mementos manners insight
Suicide in sutures fail in moonlights shadow sustains his pain
Cap in hand Bones bow down for one of none chance left in final stair
Another castaway-Another castaway-fading into me
Hold me sweet Hold me tight hold this body lost in night
Another castaway-fade into thou mornings mists dew
Confined forever we stay in light form of wait in you
Sinking dirt made by flesh below they mingle rhythm in silent gossip
Doors concealed in floors metaphors of duel insight anguish the absurd
Grace of fellows countenance a narrative in flight of balance indivisible
Metaphors fellow monologue restores specimens organic stage of change
Castaway-castaway fade into me sewn unto me
Hold me tight-Hold me light - hold me down under
Throwaway throwaway waves clash stowaway onto soundless shore