Just Thinking Out Loud
Why is it that the most beautiful women within this her world
Have no breast or at best, are minimally endowed ? Have you ever noticed that ?
Surely as the most handsome men not that we truly care but, why are ninety percent
Perhaps a tad bit less yet still the same, why are they bald ? Just like their jocks compared
Unto his so called geeks and or nerds these tiny tad poles secretly envying his four eyed
Book worms swing along Kong's tubular bong: you know what we mean ? It takes her
Cheer leaders baby girl ten years to finally catch up unto those daunting facts if only my
Momma would have shared truth's statistical relevance for example: body builders harbour
Festering fantasies enhanced by their lack there of cognitive or better crayon conscience
Awareness as unto why this phenomenon occurs at the height in competition where then they
Believe beyound an absolute doubt that she was never truly a man ? Fighting these facts
He, she can no longer deny identity's subsequent battle ensues as many turn to theatre or
Politics racing through their city streets screaming at the sky and tell me, why, she'd rather
Cut her golden locks throw away the pumps just because her sister said that, her cheeks
Weren't perpendicular with her ear lobes ? Also, have you noticed how callous these palms ? A certain, scent.