Jw Loved Ones
When you know you love some one,
When you see them,
When you spend time,
With one another,
When you talk,
To hold them in your arms,
Is a treasure so deep,
To guide them,
To fill the wholes in their heart,
Making them feel loved,
Your best friend,
You will love her to the end,
I will love her to the end,
I cherish her,
I care for her,
I watch over her,
I comfort her,
I hold her in the struggle,
I guide her,
I talk to her,
I will miss her,
Her moving,
Will hurt me,
We cant talk,
We cant spend time with one another,
I cant hold her,
I will miss this,
Above all,
I will miss her,
We can still communicate,
Through media,
Passing at school,
But it may never e personal,
If I see her,
I will run to her,
I will kiss her,
On the forehead,
And hug her,
And never let go.