K1087 and K1089 of Canto 109 of the THIRUK-KURAL: Thagaianangkuraiththal (In the transliterations, the capital vowels stand for the repetition of the same vowel: eg., “A” for “aa”) K1087: kadAak kalittrinmEl kadpadAm* mAthar padAa mulaimEl thuthil As veil o’er angry eyes, Of raging elephant that lies, The silken cincture’s folds invest this maiden’s panting breast. (Transl. G. U. Pope) The cloth that covers the firm bosom of this maiden is (like) that which covers the eyes of a rutting elephant. (Transl. Drew & Lazarus) The ornamental frontlet covering the elephant in rut; The maiden’s veil of fine cloth covering her breast. (Transl. T. Wignesan) (*kadpadAm = ornamental fillet or frontlet for blindfolding an elephant. *kadAkkaliru = an elephant in rut.) K1089: pinai*Er mada*nOkkum nAn*um udaiyAdku anievanO Ethil thanthu* Like tender fawn’s her eye; Clothed on is she with modesty; What added beauty can be lent; By alien ornament? (Transl. G.U. Pope) Of what use are other jewels to her who is adorned with modesty, and the meek looks of a hind?* (Transl. Drew & Lazarus) (*I find this Drew-Lazarus translation most elegant, indeed. T.W.) In tandem with the hind’s artlessness/simplicity of mien and innate modesty, what stratagem of extraneous adornment can add to her beauty? (Transl. T. Wignesan) (*pinai = hind; nAn/nAnu = modesty, shame; madam = female simplicity; thanthu = scheme, stratagem, artifice.) © T. Wignesan – Paris, 2017