Kant and Buddha Meet Karma and Immanuel
Kant and Buddha meet Karma and Immanuel
There underneath the fertile soil rests a karmic message
Hewn into marble stone or written on a lonely cross
Engraved or burnt on the Ganges maybe thrown from
Life’s ultimate journey mixing with a circuitous path
Immanuel’s bible or Kant’s starry skies and moral law
Foment consensus of what’s left when we demise
Earthen windblown thoughtful similar in living on
Oh my saviour do not lead me astray fill me with good
Feed me virtue in thought and deed in cause and effect
Death is a reflection of living when dying for change
Eternity or maybe just another passing to new generation
And at that time the Buddha enters the fray from under
The fig tree which exudes not to hurt any sentient being
Hallowed guidance knows no boundaries and death lives on
01st April 2018